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Dental Emergencies Welcome
2 Oaktree St
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-2631

Filling After Care Instructions

Be careful not to bite or bum your lips, cheek or tongue.

You may eat immediately.

Your teeth may ache slightly when the numbness wear off.

The teeth may become or remain sensitive for several days.

Your bite should not feel "high". Please come in and let us adjust. Sometimes numbness prevents accurate initial adjustment.

If your fillings or teeth are rough or sharp;

Throbbing is possibly a sign of a more serious problem

The soft tissue (gums) around the tooth may be sore for a few days.

Food impaction between the teeth is normal for a short time.

Call our dental office number, (281) 482-2631, for any reason or question 24 hours a day. If you are concerned, we are as well.

Enjoy your fine dental restorations. Care for them as you would any prized possession.

There is nothing you will use as often and as long as your teeth. Call us for any reason, compliments or complaints.